
Showing posts from June, 2023

Dingoes and Farmers- the love hate relationship.

                                                       Photo from: A very fascinating topic that I love to discuss are the importance of Dingoes. It is believed that the Dingo was brought to Australia around 5,000 to 15,000 years ago. Unfortunately, the debate wages on about Dingo culling and whether or not it is controlled or humane. If you ask wildlife experts or conservationists what resulted to the decline of Australia's apex predator, they will often say persecution and hybridisation. But although this persecution is understandable from a livelihood standpoint the decline of the dingo population results in the direct increase in macropods i.e., Kangaroos, Wallabies, Pademelons and many other species. Also, the increase of introduced feral species such as Deer and Rabbits that are vegetarians much like cattle that outcompete t...