Protection & Conservation of the Orange-Bellied Parrot(Neophema Chrysogaster)
Credit: The Orange-Bellied Parrot is classified as Critically Endangered species and there is roughly 50 of the population and only recently believed to have slightly increase to 70 left in the wild with roughly 320 in captivity. Native to Australia they are typically a coastal bird loving lagoons, bays, estuaries, coastal dunes and saltmarshes. The maps above highlight the Orang-Bellied Parrots distribution. The Orange-Bellied Parrot is known to forage among flocks of Blue-Winged Parrots. They eat coastal plants, seeds, fruits & sedges. One of the biggest effects on food supply of the Orange-Bellied Parrot is bushfires, the fires will come through and wipe out critical food supply and habitat of the Orange-Bellied Parrot and other species along Australia’s East Coast. Not just the beak and feather disease virus appears as a threat as shown below but increase in predators and deadly weeds do appear as severe threats as well. One other detrimental factor is that...